
Get personalized post-military job recommendations

We help Army Junior Officers get relevant roles faster — across civil service in federal agencies — through AI-driven recommendations that leverage your military experience.

Don't let your career options drown in a sea of job posts

rolemodel is a quiz-based app that gives you personalized career insights and job recommendations to help simplify your career changes. All you have to do is complete our career and role-matching quiz to get scored opportunities for networking and competitive applications submission. Soon we’ll help veterans explore careers ranging from cybersecurity to sales and sustainability.

How it works

Start with the career quiz

Reflect on your personalized insights

Discover hidden opportunities and apply

Transferable experience identification

Go beyond skills using our transferable knowledge, skills, attitudes, beliefs, and technologies (KSABT) quiz© to leverage all of your military experience across diverse civilian industries.

Personalized career insights

Leverage AI to align what matters to you with employers and their company culture for enhanced job fit, satisfaction, and productivity.

Shortlisted jobs to apply for

Explore roles at veteran-friendly companies in your preferred industries, prioritize application efforts, and competitively apply!


“Great stuff! I like the way this system can provide tailored job recommendations after completion of a straightforward survey. This can provide a nice running start for veterans.
-US Army Major

"I definitely think your military MOS/skills translator will help a lot of transitioning service members. The biggest challenge I experienced transitioning from the military to the civilian sector was accurately articulating my knowledge/skills/abilities on paper and finding the right organization that is team and mission-focused.”
-US Army Sergeant First Class

"I registered my email for interest/updates. I am curious about this resource as I am the Career Services Manager. Most of our students are nontraditional and about 70% are military affiliated, thus this may be another tool to add to the toolbox."
- University Career Manager

Meet the Founder

Victor is a former US Army Officer and experienced international defense consultant. He worked as a military training facilitator in over 20 European countries from 2013 to 2020. Victor is currently an entrepreneur working with Europe-based transitioning military members. His interests include talent management, machine learning, and writing children's books.

Stay updated

We build in public, so please sign-up for product testing, feedback requests, and personalized resources to help streamline your military-to-civilian career transition.

© kitabu wazi, Inc. DBA rolemodel. All rights reserved.